Technology is a great way to stay connected to the ‘outside world.’ However, it is important to remember and be accountable for the fact that staying connected is not private. When you are roaming around the grocery store telling your deepest secrets to your BFF or family member on your cell, it is not a private conversation. Even if you change your settings on Facebook, your posts, comments and other activity are not likely private. When you down load inappropriate photos from the internet or use a photo service like Instagram, your activities are not private. And while you may not be Frank Sinatra, Justin Bieber, Tom Cruise, or Beyonce, and wonder therefore why anyone would care, when you are involved in a divorce or other family related litigation, the lawyers will care and your former spouse or soon-to-be former spouse will care. If you are thinking of sharing your personal information out there on the world wide web, think twice and then think again.
For more information, make sure to check out these and other articles regarding “ESM” electronic social media.
Should judges disclose Facebook friends? ‘Context is significant,’ ABA ethics opinion says
Lying in an online dating profile could be costly in a divorce, matrimonial lawyers warn