In 2009, David Goldman returned to the United States with his son, Sean, following a multi-year international custody fight. The two discuss their lives following the reunion and how the ordeal impacted...
Month: December 2014
Pause Before You Post to Facebook and Other Social Media
Earlier this month, the Supreme Court heard arguments in a case centered on a man's threatening posts to Facebook. Anthony Elonis was convicted of violating a federal law that forbids making interstate threats after he posted several threatening and often graphic...
Broken Engagement? Return the Ring
A recent case out of the Loudoun County Circuit Court examined whether a women must return the engagement ring given to her by her now ex-fiancé after she broke off their engagement. The Court looked at § 8.01-220 of the Virginia Code (the Heart Balm Act)...
Are You Being Stalked?
On November 20, 2014, WJLA Washington, DC reported on the dangers of spy stalker technology. In a divorce case, it is important to be aware of technology that may being used to track your whereabouts, your phone calls, your emails and your text messages. There are...