Post-Divorce Enforcement and Modification of Orders
After the amount of support is determined, either by a judge via a court order or by the parties as part of a separation agreement, the divorce is finalized and the family moves forward. As time passes, a parent’s circumstances may change. If the change is significant, the amount of child support or spousal support may need to be modified.
Our attorneys help clients seeking modifications for many reasons, including:
- Changes in employment that result in difference work hours or a change in income
- Relocating or moving away
- Loss of employment
- Disability or illness
- Changes in the guidelines
Modifying Child Custody And Visitation
As children age and circumstances change, it may also be necessary or appropriate to modify the custodial arrangement. To modify custody in Virginia, one must show both a material change in circumstances and that the change requested is in the child’s best interests. Common reasons for seeking modifications of custody and visitation include:
- Relocation of a parent
- One parent does not exercise his/her custodial time
- Substance abuse
- Remarriage resulting in conflict between new spouses and the children
- Mental health issues of a parent or child
- Severe conflict between the parents
In Virginia, failing to pay child support or alimony, failing to comply with the terms of custody visitation or failing to live up to any other part of a divorce agreement or court order, can result in contempt and possibly jail time. The enforcement process requires court intervention, however, and a lawyer should be hired to deal with an enforcement action.
Contact Us Today To Get Started
At Falls Church, Virginia-based Maddox & Gerock, P.C., our lawyers help people throughout Virginia with modification and enforcement actions. Our firm is devoted entirely to family law issues, and our attorneys have many years of experience in every aspect of the field.
To schedule a consultation, please call our Falls Church/Fairfax County office at 703-883-8035 or send us an email.